SJFMC and Nurture NJ Family Festival

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

Boost NJ2 - SJFMC team poses with NJ First Lady Tammy Murphy

Caption: The SJFMC team poses with NJ First Lady Tammy Murphy!

On April 13th, SJFMC supported the First Lady Tammy Murphy’s Nurture NJ initiative by hosting a Family Festival at our Burlington City health center. With the help of more than 30 community organizations, we provided much needed resources, information and health services for pregnant mothers, new mothers, and all families in attendance. Our vaccination team was also present to protect the most vulnerable populations.

“The fact that black and brown women are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white women, coupled with another staggering statistic that black and brown infants die at double the rate of their counterparts, is unacceptable and alarming,” said Linda Y. Flake, MBA, President/CEO of Southern Jersey Family Medical Centers, Inc. “As a community health center, we provide all women with access to health care, regardless of their ability to pay. We have a robust Women’s Health Care Program and deliver close to 1000 babies across southern New Jersey. Our mission is to break down the disparities in health care by addressing chronic conditions and social determinants such as education, racism, transportation, and implicit bias to provide our pregnant patients, mothers, and babies with the best chance of living fulfilling lives. We still have much work to do, but the future holds much promise, as demonstrated by First Lady Murphy’s commitment to prioritize and address the maternal and infant health crisis through Nurture NJ. This program has placed a spotlight on this issue, has connected existing community partners, and directed new resources toward eliminating this disparity. We are so honored to participate in this important initiative and will continue our work with Nurture NJ! Together, with the partners that have been assembled across the state, we will make a difference.” 

Boost NJ2 - Migrant Health Manager Anali Reyes performs a health assessment on an expectant mother.

Caption: Migrant Health Manager Anali Reyes performs a health assessment on an expectant mother.

“With New Jersey turning a positive corner in our recovery from the pandemic, we are so excited to see the return of First Lady Tammy Murphy’s Family Festivals. While the upcoming festivals will be a bit smaller in scale as people get used to gathering again, they are just as important in connecting our families with important resources such as motor vehicle services that they can use to improve their everyday lives,” said Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, who serves as Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. “We encourage people to come to these mini family festivals and take advantage of the services and resources provided. More than 5,500 families were positively impacted by the festivals pre-COVID and we want to reach even more families, especially since many may still be feeling the effects of the pandemic.” 

Stay tuned more information on upcoming family festivals. You can also check out our community calendar for upcoming events in your area. Click here to go to calendar

Boost NJ2 - Senator Troy Singleton, SJFMC CEO Linda Y. Flake and First Lady Tammy Murphy show their commitment to improving lives.

Caption: Senator Troy Singleton, SJFMC CEO Linda Y. Flake and First Lady Tammy Murphy show their commitment to improving lives.

Boost NJ2 - SJFMC Women’s Health Coordinator Siobhan Moody meets one of her patients newborns with a smile!

Caption: SJFMC Women’s Health Coordinator Siobhan Moody meets one of her patients newborns with a smile!